Dichotomous Girl

I have a beloved close friend who is going through a hard time, so I wrote something to cheer her up. Even if it elicited a single smile or fleeting warmth, at the very least she’d know someone out there thinks highly of her.

Some notes. “Ebony on ivory” refers to dark hair and pale skin, and was the very first description that came to me before I even knew what the theme was going to be. Also, she may be wonderfully dichotomous, but there are a few constants: she’s lovely, she’s one of my best friends, and she’s awesome.

This is for her.

Ebony on ivory
Hair straight and tossed
Melodic voice ranged
Between biting and soft

Dichotomous girl
You walk between
Cast in Disney fare
And dark film noir scene

Strong and tender
Fierce and meek
The companion in hand
And the adventure you seek

Not just two sides
A coin to be tossed
But a faceted diamond
Solid yet soft

Dichotomous girl
Can you know such a gift?
I do, dichotomously
Both very close, and missed